Our Cars Will Soon Spy on Us and Report to Police - "the cars would use onboard cameras and photograph vehicles if they're going above the speed limit. These images, together with a report containing the speed data, the time and the geographic location of the suspected violation, could then be sent to another police car to take action or to roadside monitoring units via an internet connection" #surveillance #dystopia
The Dystopian Tech That Lets Fools Breeze Through Airports Is Coming to Health Systems - this is horrible but our captured media will sell it to americans as a great thing, and they will buy it #dystopia #bigbrother #stopspying #bigtech
Digidog is out of the pound, said Adams, a Democrat and former police officer. Digidog is now part of the toolkit that we are using Robotic Dog Rejoins New York Police #surveillance #dystopia #thanksdemocrats
cams have been pretty awful for freedom and privacy, but ai is the worst thing to happen to humanity yet; and citizens are just chudding right along into techbro dystopia. ai enforced 'communism' is not the answer to human overpopulation. humans were once more than just a meat collection of our images and data points. this makes us into machines too. the computers have already won #intheirimage #theythem #bringontheborg