a lot of folks mocked her for. authorities are now investigating the key bridge disaster. and it looks more and more like speaker mike johnson could be being blackmailed. remember that weird porn app he shared with his adult male child? havent heard much about that any more even though it was used to jail other people but johnson has done a 180 about-face on his position on many issues - fisa 702 surveillance reform, the border, ukraine aid. he has completely turned around on things he used to propound the opposite of. also, as much as she is lousy on choice and war etc, she has been right on trying to elevate VOTERS as who should run the country, not a cabal of a few politicians in washington dc. american politicians waving ukraine=ian flags was sickening! #ishebeingblackmailed #vacatetheturncoatspeaker #antiwar #endthewars
seattle implements nation’s first policy governing police ruses #police #reform
Procedure in Practice: Culley v. Marshall and the Future of Civil Asset Forfeiture Listen: Preview: Culley v. Marshall #reform #caf
Republicans soften on federal marijuana reform - except not really. they want to soften things up for cannabis banksters should be the headline
so much wrong in this story Female Afghan Veterans Work Toward Fresh Start. us should let the women stay, but adult males go back it's about her sex not her gender people, esp women, should stop having kids in war zones stay and reform own country husband fraternized with her as co-worker in military service which marginalizes women's rights accepts men cannot search women prisoners (civil no, war yes) war has become an ongoing state of affairs, not the real meaning of word
the french know how to protest (and france is like 1/6th the population of america) 1 million march in France against pension reform