Twitter Bans & Suspensions
Twitter has at times suspended content claiming it was for "hateful conduct" when in reality it was just for tweeting gender critical beliefs. Those have been sorted here as GC/TERF suspensions.
Twitter has also been found in multiple court cases to be a conduit for public officials to make official statements and for citizens to then engage in free speech and discourse around those statements. While ruthlessly suspending and restricting users via their central censor, Twitter hasn't meaningfully updated user's ability to curate content for themselves almost at all. They could implement better block lists, have keywords users might enter in settings that highlight in content, offer easier and more powerful mass-mute and block options based on select criteria, etc. They keep themselves as gatekeepers in control deliberately, rather than empowering users. As of October 27, 2022 Elon Musk is now calling Twitter "an advertising platform" rather than "social media".
It is techno-censorship, against good public policy, and unconstitutional for the United States Government to even allow, let alone direct Twitter to censor citizens, based on perfectly legitimate (and usually truthful) speech. It is also dangerous to democracy to allow a man with his hands in so many critical consumer industries to keep acquiring/privatizing public services. Submit A Twitter Suspension.